07 November 2016

Why "August"?

Today we would like to continue our series of articles about contemporary designers who inspire us with their creativity. We would like to present to you the work of Olga MilczyƄska and Iryna Grishina, who together, as a duo called "August", create really beautiful ceramics. 

Why "August"? As designers themselves explain, they are both huge fans of Mr August Sander, a photographer from the end of the nineteenth century, whose works were inspired by the human being and the material world. At the same time, August as a month represents for them patience, exploration of the surroundings, joy, and beauty, which are very important for Olga and Iryna. 

All of these together gave a name to their studio and defined their attitude to work. 
Olga and Iryna have been working with ceramics and photography for several years, and they gained experience while working in different countries such as Russia, Poland, England, France, Denmark, and Korea. 

Together they decided to create a project of beautiful and modern ceramics, which refer to traditional solutions at the same time. As they said, their goal is to "create beautiful, modern objects by using traditional techniques". 

They collaborate with craftsmen and always try to learn something new. 
Their works are characterized by gentleness and simplicity of form.
Interestingly, the girls do not focus exclusively on creating ceramic vasas, but also create other useful objects such as ceramic wall shelves, clay humidifiers or lamps.

If you want to learn more, please visit their website: www.augustaugust.pl

And meanwhile, we salute those capable girls!
And we look forward to another interesting application projects.


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